Everything Sounds Great - - - So How Do I Join????
MBSC is a private, not for profit Sportsman's club. All applicants must be sponsored
by an existing member in good standing.
We are often asked if there is a way for someone to join if they don't know
a current member. Here's what we recommend:
1. Attend an event - Trap is the most common event that holds weekly
"open to the public" shoots. Other events hold monthly matches and are
also a good way to participate and get to know members. Please see
individual activity page for times.
2. Attend a General Membership Meeting - Held on the last Wednesday on
each month; dinner at 6:30 with meeting to follow approx. 7:30 PM.
This will give you an opportunity to learn more about the club and socialize
with some of the members.
By taking advantage of events open to the public, you will find common
interest with current members and normally after spending time with
members, someone will agree to sponsor you.
What happens once I am sponsored for membership?
*Once you find a sponsor, you and your sponsor must attend a General
Assembly meeting and sign up to come before the Membership
Committee. Sign up will start at 7:15 and end when the meeting
begins. Please stop by the bar to sign up. There is a limit of 6 new
candidates allowed at each meeting so there may be a month delay
if there are candidates ahead of you but this is infrequent.
*Attend Membership Committee meeting with Sponsor on the 3rd Wednesday
of the month at 6:30 p.m.
*If approved by Membership Committee, the Applicant and Sponsor must attend a
Range Safety Orientation Briefing before appearing for the First Reading of the
process in front of the Board of Directors which is held the 2nd Wednesday of
the month at 6:30 p.m. Specific times and contact information will be provided
for the Range Safety Orientation Briefing.
*Attend two General Membership meetings to complete 2nd and 3rd readings, of
which you will be voted upon after 3rd reading.
Once approved you will be responsible for attending 5 General Membership
Meetings and completing 12 hours of internship work on one of the following committees during your first year:
Building and Grounds
Bar and Entertainment
For additional information please contact Stacy Kehoe at: